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Family Walking

Family Support Workers (FSW)

Family Support Workers (FSWs) serve families with children birth to 19 years of age who would like support with connecting to community resources. FSWs also act as a liaison for families for programs at both Park Centre and the Family Connection Centre, including Building Blocks and Therapy Services (Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy).

Families choose whether to receive services at their home, at the Family Connection Centre, Park Centre, or an alternative location. There is no fee for this service.

The FSWs work closely with families and collaborates with the Family Connection Centre team and community partners. The FSWs can help with strengthening family capacity and engagement in their child’s needs.

The FSW will meet with the family and may offer:

  • One-to-One support

  • Group support 

  • Information about community resources

  • Problem-solving support

  • Help with connecting to other services in the community

The FSW can help your family with:

  • Strengthening parent/family capacity

  • Navigating other community programs

  • Supporting families’ self-advocacy skills

  • Providing/arranging transportation and accompanying to appointments/meetings when appropriate

  • Completing paperwork (ie. Childcare subsidy, Child tax, etc.)

A family may be seen by the FSW when they:

  • Would like help with a referral and access to community programs

  • Would like help getting to appointments/meetings

  • Would like help completing paperwork (ie. Disability Tax Credit, Child tax, etc.)

  • Would like to participate in one-to-one or group support sessions

Please contact us if you want more information regarding our programs.

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