Physiotherapy (PT)
Physiotherapists (PTs) serve families with children birth to 19 years of age. PTs help a child learn to control their body for moving around and participating in physical activities. Families choose whether to receive services at their home, at the Family Connection Centre, Park Centre, or an alternative location. There is no fee for this service.
PTs work closely with families and collaborate with the multidisciplinary therapy team and community partners. PTs assist in developing skills and approaches that help families to enhance their child's movement skills.
Our Physiotherapist is required to be a registered member of the College of Health and Care Professionals of BC.
PTs assess a child’s development and may offer:
Direct therapy
Consultation regarding ways to reach family’s goals
Referral and or liaison with other services (local community or provincial) as appropriate
Coordination of services
Assistance with transitions throughout the years (daycare, elementary school, high school)
PTs can help your child with:
Developing strength and gaining body control (holding up their head, sitting, etc.)
Developing independent mobility (crawling, walking, running, etc.)
Improving posture
Developing balance and coordination (jumping, hopping, riding a bike, etc.)
Treating Plagiocephaly and torticolis
Training for use of Adaptive equipment
A child may be seen by a PT when they have:
A medical diagnosis that effects the child’s overall development (e.g. Cerebral Palsy, Spina bifida, Plagiocephaly, Torticolis, etc.)
Difficulty with balance, strength, or coordination
Difficulty with progression in gross motor skills
Difficulty with appropriate posture or movement patterns
Adaptive equipment
Please contact us for more information regarding our programs.
For any school related physiotherapy needs, please contact your school team/administration.